The 69th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research

Congress Management Secretariat

Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences,
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Maidashi 3-1-1, Higashi-ku,
Fukuoka city, Fukuoka, 812-8582, JAPAN
E-mail: jadr69[A]dent[D]kyushu-u[D]ac[D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . )

Theme:Re-defining the Mission of Dental Research towards Post-corona World

Dates: October 24(Sun.) – 25(Mon.) Venue: Kyushu University Congress President:Fusanori NIshimura, D.D.S., Ph.D. Professor Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

November 22, 2021

Acknowledgement for participation in the 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Dental Research (JADR)

 I would express my deepest gratitude for your participation and support at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Dental Research (JADR) held by hybrid style on October 24 and 25, 2021. I am pleased to tell you that the meeting had more than 200 participants.
 In addition, 4 symposia and 2 special lectures by Prof. Kung-Rock Kwon, President of KADR, and by Prof. Hiroshi Kiyono (Division of Mucosal Immunology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo) were held in the meeting.
 I greatly appreciate your earnest discussions in the various programs that were held simultaneously. I hope that you found these sessions to be satisfying and stimulating, and that they were helpful for performance of your daily activities. Finally, I thank you again for your support, and I wish you continued good health and success.

Sincerely yours,

Congress President;
Fusanori Nishimura, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Professor Department of Periodontology,
Faculty of Dental Sciences, Kyushu University

What's New

Thank you very much for your participation on the day of October 24th to 25th. On the poster viewing, The Web Viewing Site will be opened until November 7th.

The Web Viewing Site is now open.

The program page has been updated

The Early Registration is now open.

The abstract submission has been ended.Thank you very much for your registration.

The deadline date of abstract submission has been postponed.

The call for abstract is now open.

The 69th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research website is now open.

Special Lecture and Symposium

*Special Lecture

-Prof. Hiroshi KIYONO(Division of Mucosal Immunology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)

-IADR President

-KADR President

*The 1st memorial joint Symposium with KADR

"Japan-Originated Next Generation Biomedical Materials"

"Current progress of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in Dental Science"

*Rising Scientist Session

Copyright © 2021 The 69th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research. All Rights Reserved.